Advanced Study of the Learning Sciences Blog 3
Where to go from here?
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Figure 1. Screenshot from a video of 300 students welcoming Mr. Riley's daughter to the world. Personal Photograph Ohler R. (April 4, 2019) |
Who am I?
Who are you? For you have now impacted on me and therefore I am no longer me, but me impacted by your impact on me. Riley Ohler
Writing this short poem for our design based assessment class has really stuck with me. We as humans are always changing, every moment we are impacted and changed by the environment we are in. I am different from when I started writing this blog: I have had snacks and water, I have had multiple attempts at writing this, conversations with my wife, kids and friends, I have moved and interacted with the space around me…the list is endless.
As I dissect the readings most innovative theories are centred around the idea of the individual and where that individual is situated in the culture (Sawyer, 2014). Sawyer (2014) calls it situativity, Illeris (2008) speaks of situativity in most of the innovative theories presented in the book, and in Engaging minds, Davis, Sumara and Luce-Kaplar (2015) again speak to this in democratic citizenship education as well as systematic sustainability educational practices.
So what are some ways in which this culture can change to better support the individual learner and educator?
For the learner it is about creating a community where they are able to take positive risks, to express and share their ideas and work in collaborative environments. For educators it is about creating a community that allows them the autonomy to implement creative practices and feel safe to push the boundaries of pedagogy, to do what is best for their learners. The consistent part being educational practice needs to create communities and a culture that supports learning. If the individual is situated in a culture, culture and community that is supportive of their learning would be key to the success of any educational innovation. Community would be the best place for anyone looking to change education or their own practices to start.
The priority needs to be on building strong communities in each classroom and from there to the larger school and boards as a larger whole. The school system needs to support our teachers by making them feel valued, giving them tools to be innovative, and have the support systems in place to help create a healthy lifestyle balance. If the individual is such an integral part to the process mental health seems to be an area that should really be looked at as a way to help our learners and educators be successful.
If education can start to make those changes I wonder what the future would hold for our learners?
Yes, now I am also me,
Your relationship with me also affects my relationship with this amazing world. Thank you for being and becoming a part of me. Riley Ohler
Davis, B., Sumara, D., & Luce-Kapler, R. (2015). Engaging Minds: Cultures of Education and Practices of Teaching (3rd edn.). New York: Routledge.
Illeris, K. (Ed.). (2008). Contemporary Theories of Learning: Learning Theorists ... in their own words. New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
Sawyer, R. K. (Ed.). (2014). Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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