Welcome to this Crazy World

Figure 1. Me and My Daughter April 4, 2019 As I write this blog after welcoming my new baby girl into this world, it is hard not to write about these experiences. I can’t help but wonder what role will technology play in her life. One hundred years from now, thanks to medical technology, will she be a thriving centenarian? How will technology impact the life she lives, how she lives, the work she does, the family and community she creates? How will technology affect her education? Most importantly how can I possibly prepare her for this constantly changing, advancing, and new world? I can’t wait to watch her grow and find her own way. The readings this week have me very optimistic about her and her brothers future, their place in it, and their education. I am optimistic that if given the right opportunities, children of today will have diverse perspectives, unheard of creative abilities, and resil...