Cell-Phones in Classrooms

It is interesting to me to see where politics and school intersect. In our recent readings of Ito, et. al. (2009), we have read about the some of the amazing things youth are doing with technology, as they move from media consumers to media producers. As students work with technology in the classroom they develop real-world 21st-century skills that are noted in government documents such as the Framework for Student Learning from Alberta Education (2011). Many people are scared of digital change, yet, as Thomas and Brown (2011) put it “embracing change and seeing information as a resource can help us stop thinking of learning as an isolated process of information absorption and start thinking of it as a cultural and social process of engaging with the constantly changing world around us (p. 47).” On March 15, 2019, Ontario education minister, Lisa Thompson, announced that in the next school year her department will be “developing a new policy that will ban the ...