Youth Engagement in Entrepreneurship, Technology and The Arts

Youth Engagement in Entrepreneurship, Technology and The Arts “As an artist, you have to think about the sustainability of what your doing from an entrepreneurial standpoint-you can’t ride on your sheer creative skills or ‘genius.’ Those days are gone, if they ever really existed.” Lance Weiler (American filmmaker and storyteller) The Misfit Economy (Clay & Phillips, 2015) Fantasy World creation for a Digital Arts Festival (Eisen, 2017) Although the above statement is focussed on the arts I think it is true for many aspects of the future economy. The digital natives being taught today come with a set of technological skills and interests that we as teachers can really tap into. Many of these students already possess the drive to become entrepreneurial, ability to effectively market themselves on social media, use boundaries as catalysts for innovation (Thomas & Brown, 2011), and socially interact with new media and online games. Never before in o...